Discovery leads to position with BSM

My name is Bruno Hope. I grew up in Davis, CA. I enjoy spending time with my family and traveling outside of the country. In my free time I like researching the history of the world and listening to music. I also enjoy dining out and spending time getting to know new friends.

My goal when I became a client of Community and Employment Services (CES) three years ago was to become employed after being laid off from work for five years. CES helped me to discover the kind of work I would enjoy. To accomplish this, I went through the Discovery process provided by CES. 

I updated my resume and started volunteering at the Yolo Animal Shelter and the Yolo Food Bank where I learned great new skills. In addition to volunteering, I spent time exploring different job opportunities with my Community Development Specialist (CDS) and my Job Developer. The CES staff helped me a great deal during the process. 

I  was recently hired by BSM Facilities Services Group as a day porter. I started this job on Saturday, August 3, 2019. I am very grateful for this opportunity because I am learning new skills and can save money for my trip to Canada next year. 

In addition, I work close to home and I can get to work independently by riding my bike or taking the bus. I would love to find more job opportunities in the future, as I like to keep busy and save money for travel.  

The Discovery process assisted in helping me to conclude that this job was a good fit for me, and look forward to continuing to develop my work skills in this position.