Individuals who are participants in the Self-Determination Program have a variety of service options within our agency. All services provided reflect our philosophy of supporting individuals to have the most positive control over the lives they choose to lead for themselves.
Services available
- Initial Person-Centered Planning
- On-Going Independent Facilitation
- Direct support for the goals outlined in your Person-Centered Plan and Individual Program Plan

Join our Waiting List
We are now accepting new clients for Self-Determination. If you would like to join our waiting list or request more information, please follow the below link to complete a short form.

Initial Person-Centered Planning (PCP)
We will support you to develop a plan that identifies what’s important to you, what’s important for you, and your hopes and dreams for the future. Support to create this plan includes time spent getting to know you and support to identify your “circle of support,” or the team you’ve chosen to support you with your plan. These are the people who care about you and know you best. We will support you to coordinate with your team and in the facilitation of your person-centered plan meeting(s). Following those meetings, we take the information from your planning meeting and put it into a written plan for you to submit to the Regional Center. This plan will be crafted in a way that’s best and most accessible for you and will clearly outline your goals, those who will help you achieve those goals, and specific timelines.
Your Initial Person-Centered Plan is funded through your Regional Center, up to $1,000. We are therefore able to provide up to 10 hours of planning services based on our rate of $100/hour. Keep in mind that Person-Centered Planning is an individualized process so no planning process will look the same!
Independent Facilitation
Once you’ve completed your Person-Centered Plan, certified your budget, and created your spending plan, your Regional Center will sign off and you’ll officially be a participant in Self-Determination! At this time, you have the option to select an Independent Facilitator (IF) who can support you with understanding and navigating the Self-Determination Program and carrying out the goals you set in your Person-Centered Plan. You may hire a paid Independent Facilitator (service we offer), use your Regional Center Service Coordinator, or have a friend or family member serve in that role. Keep in mind that there are training requirements for IF’s and rules about who can be paid in that role.

If you choose to hire one of our Independent Facilitators, we are able to support you with the recruiting, hiring, and training of your staff. We can also support you when negotiating contracts with potential vendors. We will support you to identify and access resources in your community that will help you to reach your goals. As your IF, we will also support you to review your monthly spending to ensure that you stay within your budget and support you to update your Person-Centered Plan, as needed (at least once per year). Ultimately, our goal as your IF is to support you to take the most positive control of the life you envision for yourself.
Please note that the cost of Independent Facilitation Services is $100/hour and will be paid for out of your Individual Budget. If you live outside of the greater Sacramento region and would like in-person support, there may also be an additional mileage/travel reimbursement. IF services may be provided virtually or in-person based on your individual needs and preferences.
Direct Support to achieve your goals
We are now offering direct services and supports to help you reach the goals in your Person-Centered Plan and Individual Program Plan. These services are available for those receiving Independent Facilitation Services outside of our agency. These supports may include but are not limited to
Discovery and Customized Employment Development and Support
- Consultative Employment Services for you and your direct employees
Community and Civic Involvement
Post-Secondary Education Support
Micro-Enterprise Development and Support
Services will be 100% individualized and based on your needs and preferences. Rates vary based on the type of support that you’re requesting. Please inquire directly with the type of support you’re looking for and we will provide you with our current hourly rates.
Example Planning Timeline:
- Initial Meet and Greet ~1 hour
- You will meet with a member of our team to discuss the services that we offer. We will also ask you some basic questions about your life and your goals in the Self Determination Program. This will help us determine which Independent Facilitator on our team would be best suited to support you with your plan (i.e. skills, personality, area of expertise). From there, we’ll introduce you to that Independent Facilitator and you can decide if you’d like to hire them to support you with your plan.
- This initial Meet and Greet is complementary and does not count towards your 10 hours of planning services if you choose to hire us.
- Discovery and Pre-planning ~1-3 hours
- Your Independent Facilitator will spend time with you to learn more about who you are, what’s important to you, and what support we can offer you in the development of your plan. It will also give you the chance to get to know your Independent Facilitator! This is a fun process and can include grabbing coffee together, walking around your local park, going to a community event together etc. We’ll support you to identify your circle of support (the people you want to support you with your plan and your transition into Self-Determination) and we’ll help you to plan for your initial team gathering (i.e. coordinating date, location, how you want to run your meeting, topics etc.).
- Initial Team Gathering ~1-3 hours (this can take place in one day or over multiple days)
- You and your circle of support will get together and share/gather information about all the wonderful things about you! As a team, we’ll be celebrating your successes, outlining how you want to be supported, and talking about what’s working and not working for you in your life. We’ll also explore the goals that you have for yourself moving forward and talk about who you would like to support you. This is an incredibly powerful experience for those who participate and the information gathered will be the foundation of your Person-Centered Plan.
- Plan Creation ~1-3 hours
- Following this meeting, your Independent Facilitator will compile all of the information from your team gathering and put it into a plan. This plan will be one that is accessible to you (i.e. visual, auditory, written etc.). Based on your preference, you can be involved in the recording/writing process or you can request that your Independent Facilitator share the initial draft with you for review. Once the initial plan is compiled, you will have the opportunity to review it and make any changes. Following that, we’ll support you to share your plan with your circle of support for any additional feedback.
- Wrap-up and Next Steps ~1 hour
- Once you are happy with your plan and feel that it is complete, you will share your finalized Person-Centered Plan with your circle of support. This may take place at an in-person team gathering or via email- whatever your preference is.
- At this same time, your Independent Facilitator will provide you with tools and resources to help guide the next steps in your Self-Determination journey. Your Independent Facilitator will also help you to make a plan for how your Person-Centered Plan will guide these next steps and be a true living document that supports you and your team.
- Your Independent Facilitator will send you an invoice for your Person-Centered Planning Services for you to review and sign. Once that is signed, your Independent Facilitator will send that signed invoice and a copy of your Person-Centered Plan to your Regional Center Service Coordinator who will then process the invoice for payment.